Relief from Nerve Pain and Dysfunction
Neuro-acupuncture is a specialized acupuncture technique that focuses on healing and improving the functions of your nerves. It is effective for conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord and the nerves in the body, including those responsible for sensation, movement and autonomic functions.
Neuro-acupuncture can help you manage your neurological condition and find relief from pain and dysfunction that is often difficult to treat.
Neuro-acupuncture treatments stimulate an adaptive and regenerative response in your nerves to reduce pain, improve sensation and movement, and promote healing. Neuro-acupuncture is an effective stand-alone treatment or can be added to your existing treatment plan.
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Currently Accepting New Patients
"I am honoured to provide neuro-acupuncture for the community of Victoria, BC. It is my passion to help people dealing with neurological conditions by integrating traditional medicine with a modern understanding of neurology."
-Jennifer Midlane R.Ac.