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Nerve Repair

by Jennifer Midlane R.Ac

Acupuncture for Nerve Repair and Remodeling of the Nervous System

An exciting review has been published summarizing available research and giving insight into how acupuncture stimulates nerve repair and remodeling of the nervous system.

Often, people with nerve damage are told that it is incurable and irreversible. However, multiple research studies have shown that acupuncture aids in the regeneration of nerve cells and reverses the maladaptive changes and remodeling that occur in the nervous system.

This information is a huge game changer for the millions of people worldwide who suffer from conditions like peripheral neuropathy, stroke, and spinal cord injury.

How Does Acupuncture Aid in Nerve Repair?

Key Takeaways from the Review:

  • Prevents death of nerve cells (neuronal apoptosis)
  • Stimulates genes related to nerve cell growth (neurogenesis)
  • Aids in recovery of brain and spinal cord nerve tracts
  • Induces growth and repair of dead or impaired nerve cells
  • Enhances connectivity between the nerves of the body and the brain
  • Regulates changes in brain regions such as the thalamus, amygdala, limbic system and cortex
  • Promotes neuroplasticity
  • Activates the opioid-system network including structures in the spine such as the dorsal horn for relief of pain that occurs as a result of nerve damage
  • Desensitizes neurons that have become hyperexcitable in cases of chronic pain and central sensitization

We now have a greater understanding of the extent of widespread changes that occur in the nervous system following nerve damage. We know that the effect is not limited to the local area of the nerve but occurs across the nervous system, from the brain to the spinal cord and the body.

Acupuncture not only reverses the negative remodeling of the nervous system that can lead to chronic pain and dysfunction but also promotes the release of nerve growth factors that accelerate the regeneration and repair of nerve cells.

Jennifer Midlane is an acupuncturist in Victoria, British Columbia. Her focus is on providing effective pain relief and care for those dealing with neurological conditions while bridging the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern scientific research.


Yang Y, Rao C, Yin T, Wang S, Shi H, Yan X, Zhang L, Meng X, Gu W, Du Y, Hong F. Application and underlying mechanism of acupuncture for the nerve repair after peripheral nerve injury: remodeling of nerve system. Front Cell Neurosci. 2023 Oct 24;17:1253438. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2023.1253438. PMID: 37941605; PMCID: PMC10627933.